Throughout pregnancy, your body changed to create more space for your baby and become more mobile to facilitate the delivery. Once you gave birth, you will slowly recover and your pelvis, hips and ribs will have to close. Let’s see simple exercises to help pelvis closing!
Psoas: Both knees on chest (30 sec on left side, 30 sec on right side)
Sorry issue with last image… We’ll uploade it again as soon as it’s fix!
Pelvis Closing:
Piriform stretching:
- Lie on your back,
- Bend your knees and bring one ankle on the opposite knee.
- Then take this knee with both hands and bring it to your chest (You should feel a stretch in your buttock)
- Maintain for 20s
- Do the same on the other side
- Repeat twice
Hip stretching:
- Lie on your back,
- Bend one knee and bring one ankle on the opposite knee.
- Pull it with hand
- Maintain for 20s
- Push with knee against hand as if you want to open knee
- Repeat twice

Squatting: with heels on floor, hold for 1min

- Husband behind you with his hands around rib cage
- Breath out and your husband press hands slightly toward center and down (to close the rib cage)
- Breath out and he hold the pressure
- Repeat 3 times

3 Responses
Hi. Am very interested to understand the biomechanics around the selection of these 5 exercises. Can you guide me to any literature?
Thank you for your post.
What is the rational behind stretching to close your pelvis? It seems counterintuitive
Hi, I’d really like to understand more about abdominal separation after pregnancy, but I can’t see the image on your website. The diagram is overlaid with some more text. Are you able to get your developer to fix it?