Sports physiotherapy

The purpose of Trigger Point Therapy is to relax certain parts of the muscle allowing complete relaxation of the latter.

The Trigger point is a small contracture (a knot) painful on palpation and which can give referred pain.

Trigger points are located in specific areas, the complete list of which can be found at: ( ).

Trigger point therapy is particularly effective in:

  • Muscle pain after physical activity
  • Back and neck pain due to muscle fatigue

Myofascial release work mainly acts on the fascia, which are the connective tissues surrounding most of the organs in the human body, including muscles. These tissues have an essential role in the correct function of the muscles.

The concept behind this method is that the fascia, just like the muscles, have a capacity for contraction. This is why, in order to be able to relax a muscle, it is necessary to relax the fascia that surround it.

These techniques are particularly effective in the case of:

  • Back and neck pain due to facet joint irritation or muscle fatigue
  • Chronic shoulder pain from a torn muscle

As the name suggests, these are passive techniques during which the patient is released and only the therapist produces movement.

They respect the mobility of the joints, are not painful, and often associated with traction-decoaptation to increase vascularization and joint drainage.

Their role is to:

  • Increase joint mobility
  • Decrease adhesions and muscle tension
  • Improve lymphatic drainage
  • Limit compensation due to fear of movement

They are particularly effective in the case of:

  • Post-surgical rehabilitation (knee, hip, shoulder)
  • Joint pain due to trauma, osteoarthritis or inflammation

Proprioception is the 6 th sense of our body (yes, if we have more than 5 senses!).

This allows us to know the exact position of a joint or a limb (you don’t have to open your eyes to touch your nose with your finger).

Thanks to this proprioception, we avoid injuries. In fact, when we twist our ankles it stretches and stimulates the proprioceptive sensors of the muscles and joints causing a reflex muscle contraction in order to prevent muscle or ligament tearing.

In addition, after injury, surgery or immobilization, the proprioceptive capacity of the affected area is reduced. This explains why when we twist our ankles there is a significant risk of recurrence. Or why after knee surgery, even when scarring is complete, the knee remains unstable.

This is why proprioceptive exercises combine different techniques with different degrees of difficulty with the aim of restoring this altered sense and avoiding other injuries.

These exercises are essential after:

  • Lower limb injuries
    • Fracture
    • Ligament tear
    • Muscle tear
    • Complete or partial dislocation
  • Lower limb surgery

Many techniques involve direct pressure on muscles, tendons, fascia, or connective tissue.

For optimal efficiency, this requires excellent anatomical knowledge (in order to know which tissues we are working on) and a very fine touch to determine the state of the tissue concerned and adapt the techniques.

They are very useful for:

  • Muscle relaxation
  • Drainage of a particular area
  • The increase in vascularity of an area
  • Pain reduction

Stretching is an instinctive activity that even animals use. This is an increase in the distance between the 2 insertions of a muscle.

The apparent simplicity hides a huge variety of exercises with different purposes and benefits.

Stretching can be passive or active, work on a muscle or on a muscle group, be associated with an inhibition technique, etc.

Its main functions are:

  • Muscle relaxation
  • The increase in muscle length
  • Improving Visco elasticity of muscles and tendons


Words of patients!