

Osteopathy is a method of care that works to identify and treat mobility restrictions that can affect all of the structures that make up the human body.

Any loss of mobility in the joints, muscles, ligaments or viscera can cause an imbalance in health. Osteopathy is based on the body’s ability to self-balance and on a deep knowledge of anatomy.

Osteopathy is based on three original concepts:

  • the hand, a tool for analysis and care
  • taking into account the whole of the individual
  • the principle of tissue balance

It requires specific skills, in-depth knowledge of the functioning of the human body and the interactions between each of its systems.

It prevents and treats many physical disorders and also acts on the nervous, functional and psychological levels. It helps everyone to manage, in a responsible and autonomous manner, their “life capital” for daily well-being.

Adult Osteopathy


Most of our patients consult because they are painful.

The difficulty with these consultations is that the pain is neither a diagnosis nor a concrete problem.

It is a symptom, or in other words the consequence of a real problem. Indeed, pain is your body’s warning signal that alerts you to an inner problem. For example, if you burn yourself, the pain you feel will cause you to quickly remove your hand from the hot spring.

Our goal as a therapist is, not only to decrease pain, but above all to diagnose the cause of it and eliminate it to prevent its recurrence and potential damage to your body.

The most common causes are:

  • In the case of neck pain:
    • Muscle contraction
    • ATM dysfunction
    • Herniated disc
    • Joint inflammation by overuse of it
    • Postural compensation, very common in our sedentary lives (lack of physical activity and a large number of hours spent in front of the computer)
  • In the case of shoulder pain:
    • Tear or inflammation of the rotator cuff
    • Muscle contraction
    • Postural compensation
    • Instability of the scapula
    • Pinching
  • In the case of back pain:
    • Inflammation of the sternocostal joint
    • Muscle contraction
    • Inflammation of the rib joints
    • Herniated disc
    • Inflammation of the sacroiliac joint
  • In the case of knee pain:
    • Hip instability
    • Muscle contraction
    • Flat foot or other foot problem
    • Osteoporosis
    • Patella instability
    • Inflammation of the pads

The Temporo Mandibular Joint (TMJ) often presents blockages leading to clicks, difficulty opening the mouth or even complete blockage of the jaw.

These blockages can affect other areas creating dental pain, headaches or neck pain.

The main causes of dysfunction are:

  • Teeth grinding in sleep
  • A bad bite
  • Postural compensations (the neck most often)
  • An injury (by direct impact, in rugby or in a box for example)
  • Dental problems

Once the root cause of the dysfunction has been determined, our therapist will use a combination of techniques including trigger points, functional techniques, and myofascial relaxation techniques. All this with the aim of reducing the symptoms and also eliminating the predisposition and the factors that maintain your problem.

Abdominal discomfort can originate in abdominal dysfunction (such as constipation, menstruation pain or tissue adhesions) and can be associated with other problems (postural, breathing).

In visceral osteopathy, not only will the therapist restore mobility and elasticity to the tissues of the frozen areas, but he will also use a more global approach to analyze the impact of this dysfunction on the rest of the body, by wearing a special interest in the diaphragm and compensatory postures.

This approach is particularly beneficial in the case of:

  • Abdominal surgery, caesarean section or appendicitis operation
  • Constipation
  • Reflux
  • Painful periods (dysmenorrhea)

Pediatric Osteopathy

Cranial osteopathy acts on the system made up of the skull, the spine and their interactions with the rest of the body.

The therapist will apply  very light pressure  to examine the patient and release potential tensions in order to restore correct body mobility and rhythm.

This approach is  commonly used with babies  because the techniques are safe and effective.

It is particularly effective in the case of:

  • Any baby after birth
  • Babies with difficulty sleeping
  • Migraine and headaches
  • Stress

The purpose of visceral manipulation is to identify and treat areas of dysfunction due to a lack of mobility, tone or movement of the organ and the connective tissues that surround it.

Thanks to gentle visceral manipulations, the function of the organ as well as its system will be improved, thus restoring the functional structure of the whole body.

These techniques were developed by the French physiotherapist and osteopath, Jean Pierre Barral.

They are particularly effective for:

  • Digestive problems
    • Constipation and abdominal swelling
    • Nausea and acid reflux
  • Pediatric problems
    • Constipation and gas
    • Persistent vomiting
    • Swelling
    • Infant colic
  • Women’s issues:
    • Hip and pelvic pain
    • Period pain (dysmenorrhea)
    • Abdominal surgery healing
    • Endometriosis
    • Cyst and fibroids
    • Urinary incontinence

Constipation and gas

Constipation in babies is manifested by periods without passing stool causing pain and followed by periods of relaxation when the rectum is empty.

The baby’s abdomen is often very tight and gives the impression of swelling.

Gas and digestive problems can have less obvious repercussions, such as not getting enough sleep, having difficulty falling asleep, or crying inconsolably for hours.

Thanks to visceral osteopathy , the therapist will not only restore mobility to the frozen abdominal tissues but will also use a global approach to analyze the impact of these abdominal dysfunctions on the rest of the body with a particular interest for the diaphragm.

Reflux and vomiting should not be confused ( ), the second being due to a violent contraction of the baby’s abdominal muscles, causing passively the contents of the stomach through the esophagus and then the mouth.

While some reflux symptoms are fairly obvious (your baby spits out everything they swallow, for example), others will be quieter:

  • Frequent waking up at night
  • Weight loss or gain
  • Heavy crying or irritability after a feed
  • General discomfort or pain when lying down
  • Persistent cough

The main cause of these problems is the immaturity of the baby’s digestive system. This is why the symptoms decrease or even resolve around 6 months.

The second cause is food. Whether it is breast milk or manufactured milk, they can constipate the baby, give gas and reflux. For industrial milk, it is sometimes necessary to change milk in order to see the impact of this on the digestion of the child.

If you are breastfeeding, your diet will need to be changed. Stopping irritating foods such as spices, vinegars, coffee, chocolate, dairy products and stimulants such as nicotine can reduce or even solve the problem.

Here are some other tips to follow:

  • Don’t hesitate to burp your baby regularly
  • Avoid feeding him too much and too quickly (take breaks in the suckling)
  • Keep your baby upright after eating

Osteopathy does not resolve the first cause (digestive immaturity or diet) but the treatment is very effective in reducing symptoms by reducing abdominal and diaphragmatic tension.

This at least allows your child to have symptom-free periods by giving the digestive system time to mature or change their diet.

Women's health osteopathy


Words of patients!