
Why be followed by a private Midwife

During and after my pregnancy?

Your urine test is positive: congratulations you are pregnant!

But the questions starts:
Public system? Private system? What options are available to you? What to decide?

Many of you are very keen on explanations, personalized follow-up, a midwife who can, give you all the necessary explanations, answer your questions and above all demonstrate AVAILABILITY, both medical and emotional to feel reassured and confident!

During pregnancy

A private Midwife session will be an opportunity to both regularly monitor the progress of your pregnancy and your baby, but also to prepare you as well as possible for your delivery and for returning home with your newborn. Your Midwife will help you get the birth you want and answer any questions you may have during pregnancy.

Consultations are made either in an office in  Kentish Town or Pimlico or at your Home .

It would be the opportunity to check:

  • Blood pressure measurement
  • Urine analysis
  • Physical Examination
  • Gynecological examination (palpation and measurement of the uterus, listening to heart sounds, examination of the perineum and vaginal examination if necessary)
  • More general examination adapted to the reason for the consultation

Prepare for the arrival of your child in a comprehensive way, both physical, psychological or material.
These are one to one session to offer you a tailored approach to your specific needs. As an example, here are some of the topics which can be covered. It can obviously be adapted to the wishes and expectations of each future mother (and future father if he can be present!)

First session:

  • Reminders of the anatomy and physiology of pregnancy
  • When to go to the maternity ward? Signs of onset of labor
  • Course of labor: from the first contractions to birth

Second session:

  • Pain management and the different means to put in place
  • Special cases (induction, forceps or caesarean delivery, etc.)

Third session:

  • The mother’s diapers and her hospital stay
  • The first moments of the baby’s life, first aid

Fourth session:

  • Breastfeeding and artificial breastfeeding
  • The withdrawal

Our Midwife also offers group workshops for the preparation for childbirth, for more information:

Childbirth Preparation Classes

After your childbirth

Your private Midwife will be one of your best assets when you return home with your newborn baby. She will do a full check-up of you and your baby (more details in the tab below), respond to any difficulties you may encounter at the start ( breastfeeding difficulties, baby sleep , etc.) or even will help you regain good function of your pelvic floor!

Consultations are made either in an office in  Kentish Town or Pimlico or at your Home .

It includes:

  • Blood Pressure, Pulse & Temperature Measurement
  • Physical Examination
  • Gynecological examination (breast examination, palpation of the uterus, examination of the caesarean scar if necessary, examination of the perineum, vaginal examination if necessary)
  • More general examination adapted to the reason for the consultation
  • Newborn examination

These consultations are also an opportunity to review breastfeeding together and to resolve any difficulties together. For more information on Home Visits upon Return from Maternity: Our article “Return from Maternity”

The perineum is a set of muscles extending from the pubis to the base of the spine. Taking the shape of a hammock, it is in a way the floor that supports the abdominal organs: the bladder, uterus, intestine and rectum.

Throughout the pregnancy, the perineum supported the weight of the baby, the amniotic fluid and the placenta. Thus solicited, this hammock was distended more and more until the moment of the vaginal birth when it opened wide to
let the baby pass. Tested by pregnancy and childbirth, the perineum has lost much of its tone and can no longer perform its role of supporting and maintaining the organs in the small pelvis. The goal of rehabilitation is to teach women to tone this set of muscles, in order to prevent possible complications such as urinary leakage, pain during sexual intercourse or even organ descent (prolapse).

Getting to know your perineum better also means learning how to protect it and preserve its
future quality of life! The best time to rehabilitate the perineum is after childbirth, about 4 to 6 weeks later. That said, if needed, it can be done at any time in life.

I use the CMP method (Knowledge and Control of the Perineum.) It is a manual technique of educational rehabilitation, which thanks to the visualization of images, allows the patient to work independently each area of ​​the perineum, deep and superficial . Thus, she learns to become aware of her perineum, to know it and to control it in order to maintain its tone.

Each session lasts between 45 and 60 minutes. A first session is necessary to evaluate the perineum. then, depending on the initial situation, the possible symptoms, and the patient’s personal work, an individual program can be set up.

To help you better understand your child’s sleep cycles from birth to 3 years old, its rhythm, talk together about any questions about falling asleep or falling asleep again, and share keys and tools with you.

Better understanding what it is appropriate to do according to age also allows parents to better support their child in this learning and to play down certain situations that can be complicated to live with.

If in doubt about a sleep disorder, be able to refer you to the appropriate specialist.

After graduating in 2007, I (Pauline Fetu) worked for more than 10 years at the Foch hospital in the Paris region, alternating between consultations, the birth room and the aftercare.At the same time, I took two diplomas, one in 2008 for high-risk pregnancies and initiation into clinical research and the other in 2012 in clinical and therapeutic nutrition. Having become a mother myself 3 times over the years, I understood the importance of personalized and unlimited support throughout this wonderful period of pregnancy and the arrival of a child.

Pregnancy is a unique period, a wonderful parenthesis but it is also a leap into the unknown, preparing to welcome one or more children that we know viscerally but that we must nevertheless get to know. So much 
happiness and so much worry at the same time. Feeling supported, accompanied, is essential. Having lived abroad all my childhood and currently living in London, I have many women around me who have become mothers abroad and I have been made aware of their questions. Becoming a mother far from her landmarks and her family is sometimes a complicated adventure, mixed with doubts and fears.

I offer you personalized follow-up, hand in hand support throughout these 9 months and in the weeks or months following the birth.


Words of patients!