continence problems control
Women's health

Constipation: What is it and what to do?

Constipation Constipation is a very common issue for women of all age. However, most of women are not aware they are and probably not suspect the risks associate to constipation. Risks of constipation are not just being blotted or suffering from abdominal pain. It also leads to hemorrhoids, rectocele and

Post partum treatment mum with babie
Pre and post natal

Your sex life after a baby

Your sex life after a baby Physiological changing, Psychological symptoms When to start ? Which kind of issues you can have ? 9 months of pregnancy, giving birth, a lot of baby cries, short nights, baby sleeping in the room… A lot of things limiting sex life. First, let’s see

Baby blog bronchiolitis chest physiotherapy treatment
Sports physiotherapy
Virgil Bru

Bronchiolitis & Chest Physiotherapy

Bronchiolitis and Chest Physiotherapy What cause Bronchiolitis? Its main cause is the RSV (respiratory syncytial virus). 90% of the babies under 2 years old are colonized by this virus and 40% of them develop the disease, which make this affection the most common one at this age. However, bronchiolitis can


What to expect for your delivery ?

What to expect for your delivery? A lot of my patients ask me “what is my due date?” In France and in England we don’t have the same due date. Important information you can keep in mind: your baby will be considered as premature before 37 weeks and overdue after

Obstetrci physio urgency and incontinence
Women's health

What type of incontinence do you have?

Both pregnancy and labour traumatised the pelvi-perineo-urinary system. Multiple injuries and dysfunctions can occur. They are named vesical instability: 13 to 26% of women suffer from urinary problem after giving birth. Urinary Incontinence It can manifest as: Urgency micturition is a sudden irrepressible urge to urinate  Urinary incontinence by urgency is an involuntary urine

Flat tummy after delivery exercises
Pre and post natal

How to get a flat tummy after delivery?

How to get a flat tummy after delivery? Abdominal Rehabilitation Throughout the pregnancy, your belly and abdominal muscles are weaker and stretched to create space for your baby. When these abdominal muscles are too strong before the pregnancy or the belly developed too quickly, the linea alba between rectus abdominis (6

pregnancy body change and hormonal modification
Pre and post natal

3 Tips to prepare your pelvic floor for a good delivery

Advices and exercises When I listen to my pregnant patients, I hear “I did my kegel exercises, I’m ready to give birth’ Hmmmm well…. Yes and no… It is very good to learn how to squeeze your pelvic floor before to give birth BUT if you think about what will

Post partum treatment mum with babie
Pre and post natal
Virgil Bru

What is pelvic floor rehabilitation?

Your all life, your pelvic floor, which is a hammock composed of muscles holding your visceral organs, had to go through a great deal (pregnancy, delivery, sport, menopause, cancer treatment). You may have perceived this sensation of heaviness standing. Hormonal changes occurring during pregnancy and menopause but also due to


Pelvis pain rehabilitation

Pelvis pain rehabilitation All along pregnancy and following delivery, you could experience different kind of pain. Depending on the type, our physiotherapist will adapt her techniques. Ano-rectal pain is caused by difficulty to eliminate stools: Our physiotherapist will use : behaviour therapy manual sphincter relaxation techniques or using manometry probe, breathing exercises, abdominal



Scoliosis is a permanent deviation of the vertebral spine caused by a vertebral rotation. It mainly appears in the childhood or teenage but in some case even during the adulthood. This pathology can be triggered by another disease. However, in most case the exact cause is unknown. The scoliotic deviation


Jaw Pain

TMJ (temporomandibular joint) dysfunction often presents as a jaw pain, with a click, a difficulty to open the mouth or even a locking. It can also impact other area and create: teeth pain, head ach or neck pain. The main causes of TMJ dysfunction are : Grinding your teeths sometimes


Musculoskeletal pain

Most of our patients present to us because they are in pain. The difficulty is: pain is neither a diagnostic nor their actual problem. It is a symptom or says otherwise a consequence of the true problem. In fact, pain is the alarm of your body to warn you there


Women’s health: Pain

As with any type of pain, the difficulty is to understand what cause the pain. As the location of your pain is not always an indicator of the location of your problem, it is common to examine back and pelvis pain in pregnancy with a similar approach. Pregnancy is associated


Washing nose

What product do we use to wash babies nose? We use isotonic saline solution (similar concentration to physiological liquid) either in spray (sterimar) or physiological serum. It is non-irritant for the sensible tissues of the nose and it is easy to control the volume used. Also prefer a product with


Neuro Motor Rehabilitation

In the case of cerebral palsy and psycho-motor delay, the child will have difficulty to learn, to organise his/her posture to initiate movement and to adapt movement amplitude and intensity. It explains their difficulty to hold their head and trunk and movement which are too slow/fast, stiff or brutal. Our


Massage Techniques

Varieties of techniques involving direct pressure on muscle, tendon, fascia and connective tissue. For an optimal use it requires excellent anatomy knowledge (do know on which tissue to work) and fine touch to determine the state of the tissue how to adapt the technique. These techniques are extremely useful for: