Manual Therapy

Manual therapy is a physical treatment, including: Soft tissue and Massage technique Visceral manipulation Articulation Technique Myofascial Technique Trigger point We offer home visit because we think it is more convenient for mummies and allow you to rest at the end of the session. But we also consult in our practice located in


Chest Physiotherapy

Chest physiotherapy intends to clear the bronchial mucus secretion that your baby is unable to evacuate (very common in case of bronchiolitis, cold, flu, asthma, pneumonia, Chest infection…). At the start of each session, the Baby’s physiotherapist auscultates the chest of your baby. It helps to identify and localize different elements:


Club Foot

Clubfoot is a congenital pathology. It appears before birth without hereditary causes and no found causes . The foot of the new born is deformed, it is turned inward (varus) with an extension of the ankle ( equine ) . This is a condition that must be managed quickly by


Orthopaedic check up

An experienced physiotherapist will complete an assessment of all children who are going to have orthopaedic surgery. This assessment records joint ranges, muscle length, muscle tone, and age-appropriate functional skills such as crawling, standing, balance, walking and running. The physiotherapy assessment is essential in aiding decision-making regarding surgery or other

Swiss ball pelvic tilt exercise
Childbirth preparation

Top 8 Safe pelvis exercises you can do during pregnancy

First, You need to keep a good pelvis balance/mobility, it will protect your lower back and your belly. Here are few exercises you can easily do. Feel free to have a look at our YouTube channel to see full playlist of exercises. #1 Hips rotation: As your baby is growing


Encopresis and constipation rehabilitation

It starts by providing new habits to your child to go to the loo at home and at school. It also aims to correct the bad habits. Rehabilitation is not a punishment, so parents support associate with positive feedback is essential. The rehabilitation also includes non-invasive manual and biofeedback methods


Enuresis Rehabilitation

The constipation and encopresis need to be corrected first if they exist. Then, the enuresis rehabilitation can start and is composed of: Behaviour education: evaluation of the absorption (drink) and elimination (pee) of the child, correction of the bad habits and potential micturition fears, valorisation of the progress Non-invasive manual


Passive Mobilisation

As specified in the name, passive mobilisations are passive techniques which mean the patient is relax and only the therapist produce movement. They respect the joints range of motions, are pain free and often associated with traction distraction movement to increase joints vascularisation and drainage. Passive mobilisation intend to: Increase


Postural Exercises

Postural exercises are composed of large variety of exercises from sitting to standing, on a ball or against a wall. Their final aim is to correct your posture. However, as you may already know, it is not an easy task and it necessitates several steps composed of different type and


Proprioceptive Exercises Stability

Proprioception is the 6th sense of your body (yes, we have more than 5th sense). It enables us to perceive the exact position of joints and limbs (you don’t need to open your eyes to be able to touch your nose with your finger). Thank to proprioception, we also avoid


Soft Tissue Technique

Varieties of techniques involving direct pressure on muscle, tendon, fascia and connective tissue. For an optimal use it requires excellent anatomy knowledge (do know on which tissue to work) and fine touch to determine the state of the tissue how to adapt the technique. These techniques are extremely useful for:


Walking Rehabilitation

Walking is a natural activity for most of us. However, it is apparent simplicity is only due to a constant training since a young age. In fact, walking is a very complex combination of movement involving muscles from all our body associated with constant stabilisations mechanism. Years of practice enable


Stretching Exercises

Stretching is an instinctive activity as even animals use it and it simply consists in increasing the distant between two insertions of a muscle. This apparent simplicity hides a wild variety of exercises with different aims and benefits. Stretching can be active or passive (patient do or only therapist apply


Cranial Osteopathy

Cranial Osteopathy works on the system composed by the skull, the spine and the spine and their interaction with the rest of the body. It composed of very light pressure to examine the patient and release the potential tension and restore correct motion and rhythm of the body. This approach

Visceral Osteopathy Abdomen Anatomy
Virgil Bru

Visceral Manipulation

What is Visceral Osteopathy? Visceral manipulation consists in re-harmonizing the tissue tensions which are fixed in the abdominal area but also in the thoracic area. These tensions can have an impact on the movement and positions of our viscera. Thus, they can disrupt the proper functioning of the latter (ex:


Trigger-Point Therapy

Trigger-point therapy aims to release specific part of the muscle enabling its complete relaxation. A trigger point is a small contraction knot, painful upon touch and can cause specific referred pain. Trigger point appear in particular area and there is charts compiling the most common ones. Trigger-point therapy is especially